Sound Off: How To Tell When Your Car Needs Repairs

If you have a car, pay attention to the sounds. Cars have a unique way of communicating with you. If you pay attention, you can catch repair problems before you end up stranded on the side of the road. Here are four parts of your car that will sound off when they need repairs.


Brakes are an important part of your car. If they malfunction, you're at risk for some problems. Accidents are the biggest problem. Faulty brakes cause about 22 percent of vehicle-caused accidents in the United States. Luckily, you don't need to wait until your brakes fail to know they need repairs. You do need to listen to them though. When your brake pads begin to wear out, you'll hear a squealing sound. Once the worn-out pads start scraping away at the rotors, you'll hear a grinding sound when you apply the brake. If your car is squealing or grinding, it needs repairs right away.


If you're like most people, you don't pay much attention to the belts on your engine. Unfortunately, that lack of attention can lead to some serious problems for your car. If your belts break, your car may stop moving altogether. If that happens, you may end up stranded in the middle of an intersection. Belts start to wear out after a few years. When they do, they make a high-pitched squealing sound while you're driving. If your car squeals while you're on the road, have your belts inspected as soon as possible. 


A lot of things can go wrong with your engine. You can avoid most of the problems with proper maintenance. One way to prevent engine damage is to stick to your oil change schedule. Fresh oil keeps your engine lubricated. If you're low on oil or the oil degrades, your engine is going to overheat. When that happens, you could end up with engine failure. If your car is low on oil, you'll hear a ticking sound from your engine. The ticking will get worse as the oil level gets lower. If your engine is ticking, have the oil changed immediately. 

CV Joints

If your car makes some odd noises when you turn, there's a good chance your CV joints have worn out. CV joints are part of the drive-shaft system on front-wheel-drive cars. If the CV joints wear out, your drive-shaft doesn't get the lubrication it needs. If there's a problem with the CV joints, you'll hear a loud clicking sound when you turn the wheel. If your car is clicking, it's time for repairs.

Contact an auto shop and get auto repairs if you notice your car making any of these noises.
